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Do you have the courage to lead the life you desire?
15 April 2024

Do you have the courage to lead the life you desire?




Are you fed-up or dissatisfied with your life?

The choices you make today give you the life you experience tomorrow and onwards. Sometimes it takes courage to make the choices you know that are right for you.

Perhaps your decision involves walking away from someone or something which is alright but not great for you. If it was really bad, you probably wouldn’t find it difficult but this grey in- between area is much more difficult. What if I walk away from my partner but never find love again? Thoughts can race around your head and make you miserable.

Courage is about finding your inner strength to face your fear with confidence.

Gaining clarity on what you desire makes decision making easier. Do whatever you like to do to clear your head and get perspective on your life. It may be spending time alone in nature or meditating or physical exercise like running. This helps you to hear your intuition more clearly and connect with you soul or guide for advice.

You are much stronger than perhaps you realise. Making the decisions which lead to a life you desire is not so difficult once you get started.

For years I was a closet psychic medium. I trained hard for many years. But outside of the home, I never told anyone what I was or the strong spiritual beliefs I held. This was made harder as my partner had said to me – 500 years ago they used to burn people like you! In the end, I decided it was crazy leading a dual life. It made me feel less than authentic. Initially I only told family but when I was accepted there, I went on to tell friends. Work was more challenging as there is always the fear of how going public might impact my career. I chose to describe the way I lived more in terms of my life values and believing in compassion and love for one another. I finally got over that hurdle without being fired. Eventually I became a professional psychic medium. The whole world now knows what I am.

It does take courage to be the authentic you and to live the life you desire. But I can honestly say, it is worthwhile. You feel happier and there is no pretence in your life.

Pretending to be who or what you are not, can be so energy sapping.

It was a journey becoming truly my authentic me. I found taking little steps at a time less scary. I did meet some challenging people along the way. But I also met some wonderful people too.

Ultimately, I found the courage to make the right decisions for me about my life.

And you can too….


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