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Surrender: Let go of control to stay in the flow of life
8 April 2024

Surrender: Let go of control to stay in the flow of life





Control is probably the last thing many of us would want to let go of. By having control and being in charge of your life or a situation brings a sense of more certainty. But does it?

Are you allowing the right people and things into your life?

I am dyslexic and forget things very easily. Being highly planned and structured helps me get through the day. I don’t have to remember where the car keys are if I always put them in the same place. When I married my husband and he came to live with us, my life seemed totally chaotic. He is the opposite to me and just dumps the car keys anywhere!

However, sometimes I forget to let go of my plan and control to allow the right things for me to arrive.

An example of this was when I started my dream new job. It was a job I had always wanted and had been working to gain the skills for it for many years. However, when I started the job, I found the culture of the company was not for me. Their values just didn’t match mine. I really struggled with the idea of letting go. I kept trying harder to make things work. My guides and intuition kept saying to me, let it go. In the end the Universe took control. A senior person was very unkind to me. It was only then I came to my senses and re-evaluated the job.

I resigned and left the job without another one to go to.

Afterwards I felt such a burst of energy. My horizons expanded enormously and new opportunities arrived. My life took a course correction and I was back on the path my higher-self wanted me to be on. I was back in the flow of life. Synchronicities kept happening and life moved on in a much happier and fulfilling manner.

At the time I felt the senior person had been very unkind. Now I thank her for causing me to find my correct path again. It was a hard experience. It would have been better if I had found the courage to make the change myself. But the important thing is, I have now done it. So, I am saying to myself;

Keep up the good work.

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