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When we get into a bad mood
There are just some days that we wake up in a bad mood and we have absolutely no reason for these feelings of doom and gloom.
On other days, however, we wake up in a good mood and because of the stress of traffic, other people or our own worries we get irritated and the rest of the day is surrounded by a black cloud of anger and short temperedness.
But, when the sun is shining on us and we wake up in a good mood, then nothing can go wrong. We have more energy, feel good about ourselves and the people that we interact with, and are generally more loving and accommodating all around.
It takes lot of energy to be in a bad mood and criticize and judge the people and situations around us, and so it may be more beneficial to swap the bad for the good and enjoy the rest of the day. The trick when feeling gloomy is to be aware of those sensations and then to work towards shifting them into a more upbeat and happy emotion.
Counting all the blessing that we have in our lives may be the first step towards changing a mood as it makes use realize what we have in our lives and what we can be grateful for. You can also make a point of adding some laughter to the day and think about something humorous that happened in your life, or share a joke with those around you. Laughter relaxes tense muscles, helps to lower the hormones that are related to the body’s stress responses, and strengthens the immune system.
Like crying, laughter lowers inhibitions, allowing the release of pent-up emotions. A hearty session of laughter is wonderful for producing a heightened sense of well-being, and by adding some humour to a difficult situation you can make it more bearable. A sense of humour can help you accept the inevitable, rise to any challenge, handle the unexpected with ease, and come out of any dilemma smiling.
Occasionally a bad mood may be the result of being tired or not getting enough sleep or rest. Make sure that you get sufficient sleep at night and give yourself time to rest and rejuvenate your body and soul through a hobby or pastime that you enjoy.
Mood swings caused by hormonal fluctuations may also result in a bad mood and depression, especially in woman. If you suspect that this is the case, and you tend to feel worse at certain times of the month, like during your menstrual cycle, then seek advice from your medical practitioner.
Exercise is an excellent way to release tension, so take yourself on a brisk walk or go to the gym if you are feeling down.
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