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Full Moon in Sagitarrius
5 June 2020

Full Moon in Sagitarrius

The full moon in Sagittarius happens at 8:12 pm within the lucky mansion related to our life path goals. It tells of a time when the luck of the Gods is very much on our side; it will help us to progress our aims. We would be wise to really look within ourselves and consider carefully what it is we wish to achieve. You are being promised that all is possible and within reach.

This planetary occurrence is followed by the Eclipse at 8:24pm. An eclipse illuminates what is hidden. It is the joining of opposing forces to create something very magical. But this can only be created by change and transformation.

Many of us will feel a real reckoning of what we need to do in order to achieve our dreams and ambitions. Most of us know that Sagittarius aims high. Please aim higher than you could possibly envision. Step out of your comfort zone to imagine the impossible and you will find ways to achieve it. With the Sun, Venus, and Mercury in Gemini the force of three planets stand strong to let us know we must be adaptable and alter our behaviour to make things happen.

This is a time of great force. The three most powerful planets in our solar system - Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto are collectively instigating restraint, change and good fortune so that all that has been lost is regained thrice fold. Many of us will feel the weight of loss in some sphere of their lives; however, this full moon eclipse awakens us to our true spiritual life path and shows us how to move forward. It tells us there will be a triple gain if we follow our gut instinct.

With so much happening in our skies it is of no surprise many of us feel confused, lost, angry and low. These are all the markings of psychological loss. However, hold tight because what appears in the next few weeks are magical open doors which pave the way forward through these difficult times. I have no doubt that everyone no matter what their position will find a seemingly invisible silent way through. It will feel like magic is leading the way.

This time portends new gateways opening within our minds. It helps us to make links with the unimaginable. It also paves the way for an alteration within our brain chemistry that will help future generations to solve the unsolvable.

Children conceived during this time will have the great gifts of endurance, resilience, deep insight, and genius problem solving. They will be very lucky. These children will help progress our species.

Today planet Jupiter makes a powerful link with the constellation of Libra. It tells us that luck and abundance arises through being at peace with yourself and others around you. It’s a lucky opportune time for Librans; they have the power of luck in their hands. On a higher-level Jupiter calls for the peacemakers in society to come forward and take the lead. The moment for their success is ripe.

Success during this time will be achieved through teamwork and collaboration. Many hands make light work but more so, the entire team no matter how weak or strong will be needed to complete the task. During these times things cannot be achieved alone and the support of family will be much needed too.

Tonight, is a lucky time for career and goal manifestation. Don’t lose the moment looking at what is lost. Look to your allies and aim high for those goals that haven’t been achieved as yet. This year may yet pleasantly surprise you with what it brings. It will fulfil many wishes that we believe to be beyond our reach.

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